
Roosting/Nesting Tiers inside the chicken coop attached to the stone house

Nesting Tiers inside the chicken coop attached to the stone house.
The ceiling was very low inside of the chicken coop; you had to stoop down when you walked inside of it.


Several Outbuildings southwest of Tall Corral

With all the trash half buried on the property, it is unsafe to walk on the land.  One must be careful with every step and wear pierce-proof footwear.  There are downed barbed wire fences, wires, nails, glass, holes and other debris like sharp metal, etc.


gateway between the Workhouse and the White House

At one time perhaPerhaps this gate was built to keep cattle or other livestock from leaving the white house's property.



There are pipes and hoses which seem to point to the fact that perhaps they were used to irrigate the property or provide water for livestock/animals.